Let’s Try To Celebrate This Valentine’s Day Differently

Just a few more days to go for yet another Valentine's Day. 14th February, a day awaited keenly by all the youngsters, especially to celebrate their love. The man - woman love! The crushes, the flings and the TRUE LOVE! Considered a great occasion to express your romantic love, often anonymously. Showering expensive/ inexpensive gifts [...]

I Decided To Go Gray

  “Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently.” ― Maya Angelou Our appearance has a lot to say about our inner expressions, state of mind. Level of confidence in our own skin is all reflected in the way we dress, groom and present ourselves [...]

Frivolities Can Be Solemn Too

A king commissions the construction of a tomb for his favourite queen like no structure ever before, takes 20 years, more than 20,000 workers from across India, Persia, Europe and the Ottoman Empire, over 1000 elephants to transport material such as sandstone, marble, lapis lazuli, jade, crystal, amethyst and turquoise, endless reserves of state treasury [...]

Tracing The Evolutionary Journey Of World Literature

    The remarkably evolved brain of human species probably puts a lot of compulsions in our daily existence apart from the basic need of food, cloth and shelter, right from primitive times. Just fulfilling these basic requirements didn’t add any value or meaning to our existence. We wanted more, we lusted for more -a [...]

Faith And Rational Thinking

While Faith demands unquestioning believe and acceptance, rational thinking needs proves and evidences to believe in something. Perhaps one of the oldest subject of debate for scholars and eruditely all over the world. Can Faith and rational thinking exist in tandem? Is Faith superior to rational thinking or the opposite is true? Does one lead [...]

​Durga Pujo – Blessings of ‘Maa’ for Her children

In India, every community is identified with some unique religious connect. And, whenever people communicate that uniqueness becomes a point of reference. For example, a Sikh with Guru Parv, a Malayali with Pongal festival, a Maharashtrian with Ganesh Chaturthi, an Oriya with Rath Jatra, a Bengali with Durga Pujo and so on…….. And where ever [...]

​Number Seven – The Gordian’s Knot

Seventh heaven ! VIBGYOR ! Seven cardinal sins! Seven blessings ! Saptapadi ! Seven days in a week ! Seven year itch! Does it ring a bell in the ear ? A few years back, at a family wedding, I got friendly with two American ladies who were also invited to the wedding. As I [...]

”Child Is The Father Of Man”

​ In the 7th line of the poem '' The rainbow'' , William Wordsworth famously said ''child is the father of man''. Every individual whether a scholar , a language student, a critic ,a teacher or for that matter any individual who has read the poem or heard this phrase has his own interpretation to [...]