Pen and ink monstera

I am planning to do a lot more of pen and ink drawings and very soon coming up with youtube videos of these drawings as soon as I resume with my Youtube videos. Meanwhile I will keep you posted on instagram with all my practice drawings. Have a nice week ahead!

Style goes beyond fashion

If you are confident, You are stylish. If you don't follow trends just for the heck of it, You are stylish. If you are ready to take care of yourself, You are stylish. If you are not obsessed with your looks, You are stylish. If you are not trying to look pretty, You are stylish. [...]

I vs You

I am spontaneous, You are reserved. I wear my heart on my sleeves, You control your emotions. I speak from heart, You speak with mind. I call a spade a spade, You are tactful. I react, You respond. At times, I look foolish, At times, you look sly. At times, I seem miserly, At times, [...]