We all change with time

As someone quoted “Change is the only constant in Life”. Growing old and wiser, it has dawned on me that never say never. What was right yesterday may not hold its ground today. What I liked yesterday may not necessarily interest me with the same intensity today. What I didn’t want to learn yesterday may [...]

Is having too much too good?

Coming from an humble background, in my growing up years, we siblings had very limited dresses. Probably 4 to 5 maximum at any given point in time as dresses for outing and may be 2 to 3 to be worn at home. Those days resources at our parents’ disposal were very limited and they had [...]

My sly Observations

Ignoring the aberrations Which are true to any thesis or hypothesis, The honest Are mostly miserly. The cool and composed Are mostly procrastinators. The good listners Are mostly good speakers. The passionate Are mostly hyperactive. The cleanliness freaks Are mostly organised. The cold blooded Are mostly calculative. The people who have nothing to loose Are [...]

 Yes! ‘NO’ is a POSITIVE word

It takes a strong heart to say ‘NO’ corruption NO to intimidation NO to abuse NO to harassment NO to compromise NO to discrimination But once you say It, To the vices of our society NO liberates your soul NO emancipates your being NO frees you from the burden of guilt NO gives you a [...]

Celebrating Sports

Nothing binds the sentiments and emotions of a country together as much as sports does. With Asian games drawing to a close today, India is redrawing it's sports canvas.Am a proud Indian, celebrating extended Independence Day this year with our superb performance at Jakarta! There is a complete paradigm shift in the way we think [...]

Celebrating Sports

Nothing binds the sentiments and emotions of a country together as much as sports does. With Asian games drawing to a close today, India is redrawing it's sports canvas.Am a proud Indian, celebrating extended Independence Day this year with our superb performance at Jakarta! There is a complete paradigm shift in the way we think [...]

Celebrating Sports

Nothing binds the sentiments and emotions of a country together as much as sports does. With Asian games drawing to a close today, India is redrawing it's sports canvas.Am a proud Indian, celebrating extended Independence Day this year with our superb performance at Jakarta! There is a complete paradigm shift in the way we think [...]

Style goes beyond fashion

If you are confident, You are stylish. If you don't follow trends just for the heck of it, You are stylish. If you are ready to take care of yourself, You are stylish. If you are not obsessed with your looks, You are stylish. If you are not trying to look pretty, You are stylish. [...]